Sunday 13 May 2012

Why I call my blog 'Myoclonic Jerk'.

To be honest, I'm not really sure anymore.  I've had this blog for a few years, but so far no real theme has developed; certainly, I had no real theme in mind when I started it.  If you've taken the trouble to read my other posts, you'll have found a selection of topics that took my interest when I posted them.  I do try to keep themes reasonably current - I don't anticipate posting my opinion of The Beatles anytime soon - but it sometimes takes me a while to decide what I think about a news item.

So far as I remember, the title just came to me while I was thinking up a pseudonym for something I wanted to post somewhere else.  I don't remember any details.  At the top of my blog is a tagline: "Culture that makes you start; culture that makes you nod off; culture made by jerks".  This was my attempt at twisting the title of the blog into some sort of theme - it isn't very clever.  In case you're wondering, I didn't use the name 'Myoclonic Jerk' as the blog's URL as it had already been taken.  I haven't read this other blog in detail, but it seems to be written by someone from the medical profession: no doubt she or he is more entitled to the name than I am.

Having recently looked at the stats that are now handily providing, it seems that some of you might have found me by googling 'myoclonic jerk'.  If that's you, then you were probably hoping for something more substantial - sorry.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Why I don't post regularly

I am writing this on the outside chance that I have attracted a few regular readers who may be occasionally disappointed to visit this site and find that I haven't posted anything new for weeks.  Blogger's handy stats widget suggests I had 20 visits yesterday, and even more the day before.  Someone is obviously looking at my blog, even if they don't actually read it.

Anyway, I don't always update the blog because I write other things.  Many are unfit for publication, although that doesn't stop me from trying.  Some projects are quite time-consuming, for example the novels and plays.  When I'm working on something like this, I don't always have the time and/or the energy to post a blog.  Rest assured that if anything is published (or performed) I will plug it here relentlessly.

I have had some success publishing shorter pieces.  Recently I have published two reviews - here and here  - and an article.  Feel free to visit these pieces and comment.  I will continue blogging here, but my legions of adoring fans need to resign themselves to this being an occasional treat.